Thursday, September 8, 2011

You're Beautiful (Kdrama): My Thoughts

I recently swapped dvds with a friend of mine- 49 Days for You're Beautiful ( aka He's Beautiful, You're Handsome). I was recommended this drama from many different sources and now was as good a time as any to check it out. From what I had read, this drama was quite liked by people and seeing as to how I just finished City Hunter, I was in need of some Asian flavour!

Here is a brief synopsis: The management company of the idol group A.N.JELL insisted on adding a new singer to the group as the lead vocal, Tae Kyung's voice was hurting. However,the new member, Mi Nam, had to go to the States to repair a botched eye job just before signing the contract. His agent came up with the idea of having his twin sister, Mi Nyu,to stand in for him and pretend that she was her brother. The two of them grew up in an orphanage and Mi Nyu, who was all set to become a nun, agreed to this charade as she didn't want to spoil her brother's chance of fame which would make it easier to look for their mother.

Now, before beginning this drama, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. Initially I thought that a story revolving around a kpop band might be kind of redundant, but it was fresh enough to maintain my interest for the most part! As far as the gender-swapping premise of the show, I had seen Coffee Prince in the past, so it wasn't as novel a concept. Still, this drama had a different spin on this switch, which made this storyline interesting.

I enjoyed watching this drama unfold and I would say that one of the strengths of this show would be its unique characters. Tae Kyung- his style and aesthetic was kind of new for me to see. His dark, broody character was adorable! His go-to facial gesture became quite memorable and endearing. Jeremy was also such a cute character- so loving and caring. I wanted him to be my friend! hehe Shin Woo was sweet, but as my sister described him (probably unfairly) 'he was just a boring nice guy'. I think his character lacked dimension, but he was still an integral part of ANJELL. I know I kept thinking to myself how cool it would be to be part of their band!

There were some really cute and hilarious moments, namely the grocery store and webcam scenes!!

Apart from City Hunter, I don't think think I've ever watched a drama that had so many bloody cliffhangers! Every episode left you wanting to see the aftermath of what was happening. I'm sure glad I had all the episodes, otherwise, I'd be driven mad with the week-long wait!

For the life of me, I don't understand why so many dumb female characters fall prey to the manipulations of random men or women in their lives. Case in point: Go Mi Nam (Mi Nyu) & Yoo He Yi. I don't know what is so novel about demanding respect. It drives me nuts watching these silly situations where the character lacks the confidence to speak up against inexcusable behaviour.

I also don't understand why Mi Name (Mi Nyu) was so submissive and apologetic. I mean she apologized way too much. We're talking an abnormally large amount here. I mean you want to see character development and growth and that was obvious with Tae Kyung. Whereas Mi Nam didn't change much throughout. Maybe it's asking too much to see this in 16 episodes! HAHA

One other area that I felt this drama  was lacking was how it relied on 'faux-drama' to move the plot along. I would describe 'faux-drama' as useless events or storylines that are time-fillers and whose sole purpose is to prolong the story to no end. I like to know that a drama was well-thought out and that it has some direction. So I think when the viewer starts to question the direction of the plot- or these plot details, it's definitely a bad sign.

I have to say, that final moment between Mo Hwa Ran and Tae Kyung was kind of nice. I mean for all the mistakes that she's made in her life, that moment of redemption, while predictable was still good to see.

When all was said and done, I did have fun watching You're Beautiful.  Was it the best drama you'll ever watch? Definitely not. Is it still worth watching? I would say yes! It's probably on the same level quality-wise as My Princess, if not slightly better in some ways. You'll get some giggles and thrills out of it and for a 16 episode run, it's not the biggest time-consumer! I say go for it!

Take a look at some more screenshots to help you get a feel for this drama.


  1. omg! I know, ladies always having to think its their fault, wanting the respect of men.

    I find that 49 days is starting to be ridiculous drama too..-__-

  2. haha, I know eh!! Noooo, if you say that, I'll beat you up! Just give it a chance!


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