Friday, February 11, 2011

"There is no legitimacy other than that of the people."

 -from a statement prepared by the Egyptian Army.

The news of dictator Hosni Mubarak stepping down in Egypt, was great news to wake up to this morning! So much has been written, reported and discussed about the popular uprisings/movements in North African and Arabian countries during the past few weeks, it has been a lot to keep up with. Lives have been lost, thousands have been injured, but protesters were resilient in their determination to escape the throws of their authoritarian leader-impostors.

In a piece written on January 31st, Professor Tariq Ramadan shared two important points that resonated with me greatly. He said, "From our vantage point in the West, our obligation is to follow closely and lend our support to popular movements in Africa, North Africa, the Middle East and Asia as they reject dictatorship and repression and seek to live free. It is our moral duty."

And later, pointed out that the "Time has come to stand up for the principles of justice and liberty, of true democracy and respect for peoples rather than pay only lip-service to democratization and popular outrage while political systems remain hermetically sealed and collaboration with dictatorial regimes has become an open secret." He's really hit the nail on its head here.

The coming months will be trying for the incoming government and the Egyptian people. May God guide the Egyptians, Tunisians and all other oppressed people in their quest for liberty, sound leadership and a restoration of order. Ameen.

*For further reading, here is a heartfelt message to Egyptians, an interesting backgrounder on Suleiman, and an article discussing what might be next for Egypt. More to come!

In the meantime, check out this video by a few North American artists on the Egyptian plight! Here are some other songs to listen to as well!

I wonder which country may be next....?

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