Wednesday, February 9, 2011

DIY Beauty: Cutting your Own Hair

Like most girls (and probably some guys!), I have had some horrendous experiences at the hair salon! The few times I have received nice haircuts, it has always been at great expense. At the moment, I find myself at a point where I would like to add some shape to my hair, but am unwilling to pay a huge sum of money to achieve this result. So, in search of some cost-effective tips, I decided to head to Youtube to learn how to cut my own hair.

I have trimmed my own hair before, and have also cut my own bangs and side fringe in the past- so I'm not afraid to get messy and take a few chances. After all, it's not as if most hair stylists (in my experience) could do that much better than myself.

I'm feeling inspired by the possibility that I'll surprise myself with my haircutting abilities and that I may very well have found a solution to my hair cutting issues once and for all. The prospect of learning how to cut hair does excite me quite a bit!

I recently purchased some haircutting tools including shears, thinning shears, as well as a comb razor. I'm planning to purchase a folding hair razor for my side fringe, from Sally Beauty Supply, before I embark on this adventure though! Altogether, I think these tools should make this process a lot more complete.

So what I have done is collected what I think are the best youtube videos on women's diy haircutting. With each video, I have included my own ideas about what I feel might be good/bad/useful from each one. So let's get started!

This is a great video on how to cut your side fringe using a hair razor. The technique seems pretty straightforward. Using the hair razor seems to yield a soft, feathered appearance, which is my preference. I have read/heard that you should not use the hair razor on other parts of your hair as it will cause split ends on a scale you will not be able to control.

This second video gives you a closer look at the process used above, using the hair razor.

If you do not have a hair razor or do not wish to purchase one, you can use sharp scissors to cut your fringe, as well.

But here is probably the simplest way to cut your side fringe. Wow!

Okay, so on to the rest of your hair.
I actually haven't seen this girl's method of cutting layers in any other videos, but I think if you have the right tools to soften your ends once you've cut them to the desired length (as she has), then this technique of flipping your hair in front of your face could work.

I'm a little curious about this technique. It is somewhat similar to the one above. It looks as if that you would end up with shorter hair in the back and longer hair in the front, almost like a loose angled bob?? I think it could work well if you thin out and soften the edges. This cut and technique would be great for someone looking for a simple cut.

There are some good tips shared in this video below. She seems to have the right approach to cutting her hair; that you don't have to be so meticulous to get a perfect cut!

I like the way this girl sections off different layers of her hair. My suggestion with this video (in terms of how she cuts the left side of her head) is that instead of cutting one section of your hair while it is tied up, open up the hair-tie so that the hair is lined up as it would be when your hair is in its normal state. I suspect this will result in smoother looking layers. Also, if you want your hair to be longer in the back instead of the front, cut in the opposite direction that she does in the video.

I don't think I'll be using her method to cut my layers, except perhaps to borrow her 'downward stairs' cutting technique to achieve face-framing layers.

Hopefully you'll find these videos as helpful as I have! I'm still undecided as to whether it is better to cut your hair when it is dry or wet. In my experience, there is a possibility of over-cutting with wet hair. I also think you'll get to see how your hair will actually look if you dry-cut. I'll probably experiment with both dry and wet hair...we'll see.

Even with all these helpful videos, there will still be a lot to be nervous about. Just keep in mind that there is  nothing you can cut off that can't be replaced over time! So take it easy and remember to have a good time!

Bonne chance!

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