Wednesday, August 17, 2011

City Hunter (Kdrama): Final Thoughts

* Spoilers Ahead *
Earlier yesterday, I wrapped up the final episode of City Hunter. I'd been putting off completing the drama because I was really enjoying watching LMH as Lee Yun Seung and all the action that was unfolding! Watching the last few episodes was gripping and I had my fair share of gasps and screams!

There were a few surprises that were revealed in the final few episodes, but, it did feel a bit rushed as we got closer and closer to the end. I just wonder why they couldn't spend the last few episodes expanding on the storyline, rather than compacting it into the very last two.

I was satisfied with the way things were wrapped up with Lee Jin Pyo/Steve Lee. I think you always knew things weren't going to end well for him. His death and subsequent declaration gave him an opportunity at redemption with his adoptive son Yun Seung. Not that anything he did would absolve him of his crimes against him, namely his kidnapping!

For my first foray into more 'serious' dramas, I was quite impressed that the action sequences, storyline weren't too cheesy. There were of course weird inconsistencies that bothered me throughout: such as how calling 911 wasn't an immediate response during life or death situations, or how sometimes characters responded to situations very unrealistically.

The one thing I can say about this drama is that there were a lot of compelling episodes, many of which will leave you on the edge of your seat! The fact that the show kept me interested and curious about what was coming next probably says something about the drama. I think I'm biased though....because of LMH haha. On the subject of LMH, here's a cute interview.

I have to admit, I did have goosebumps in those last few episodes. And, I was quite surprised to see the show take a bold move in killing off character Kim Young Joo. I had actually come to like him, so I was a bit sad :-(

Yun Seung going after the final member of the group of five, the President aka his father was interesting to watch! It's almost like for the President to redeem himself and for him to be able to have a relationship with Yun Seung in the future, he had to be brought down in this way.

The ending was sweet. It left enough open for us to imagine how life would be for the happy bunch!

I've read of some fan interest in a second season. And out of all the dramas I've seen, I don't think a second season would have suited a single one of them. City Hunter is the exception. Based on the type of show it is- crime drama- a second season could actually work.

In the meantime, I am looking forward to hearing what projects LMH will be involved with next! With City Hunter done, I'm on the look-out for a drama to keep me busy. I'm planning to try out You're Beautiful, which I have heard great things about!

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