Friday, June 10, 2011

Interesting Finds, XIII

Here is a very insightful piece written by an American Rabbi. He discusses the pressing need to distinguish between religious theology and religious practice. Misperceptions about religious groups persist when we confuse the two. He shares, "the growing chasm between faith-based teachings, on the one hand, and the actions of the faithful on the other, is the greatest cancer afflicting modern religion." No disagreement there.

An excellent article written by a member of the Muslims Guild of America.We need to be aware of the distinction between belief systems and the actions of its adherents- they can be and are two very different matters.

A perspective on the denigration of polytheism by atheists and monotheists.

Anti-Muslim bias in the workforce.

Places of worship should always be respected. Synagogues, temples, churches, mosques- all houses of God. Let's show some respect!

The religious impulse as the origin of civilization?

Remembering the Chernobyl tragedy, 25 years on. Apparently the radiation exposure was 400 times that of Hiroshima.

A great read on the over-sexualization of young girls today. "In 2007, the American Psychological Association's Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls issued a report linking early sexualization with three of the most common mental-health problems of girls and women: eating disorders, low self-esteem and depression."

5 children, a 56 hour workweek and a $149 monthly salary (450 Malaysian ringgit), and this woman, a street sweeper had to give up one of her children because she was unable to feed the extra mouth. Talks have just begun about a possible minimum wage in Malaysia and similar discussions have been had in a number of other Asia-Pacific nations. Unfortunately for this woman and her family, she is part of some 34% of people in her country that live below the official poverty line, earning less than 720 ringgit.

8000 crown wards, 1000 adopt-ready families and another 1500 families waiting to be approved. Only 8% of the 8000 children and youth have social workers that are actively looking for families to adopt them.
Approximately 40-60% of these kids end up in a homeless shelter. We've got a serious problem here.

Health & Living

The benefits of cinnamon in regulating your blood-glucose level.

On the painkilling properties of olive oil.
Weird, but interesting info on the things we're apparently all doing wrong.

"The next time you let a string of expletives rip in front of a disapproving audience, try this excuse: Swearing, it seems, is actually a powerful painkiller." Vindication for those of us who use foul language when we get hurt! haha, just kidding mom!

Interesting court case involving a death row inmate and his desire to donate his organs after his death. The problem is, the method of execution used in his state would render his organs useless for donation. Question is, should the state employ an alternate execution method so as to benefit 1% of individuals on the organ donation list. I don't see what the problem is here. The state already condones the death penalty- what we're talking about here is execution by alternate means.

I wasn't quite sure where to include this article. It relates to so many issues (women's oppression, religious tyranny, power & politics, etc). It just baffles me how a society can so blatantly control and oppress women, justifying this oppression with religious theology. As if any God would view women and their rights as secondary to their male counterparts! Come on SA, stop the bullshit already! As a side note, I always wonder when I read about these types of situations- under what delusions these women were under- to marry such patriarchal and domineering husbands and even more so- to agree to immigrate to one of the most well-known repressive countries in the world.

New treatment for individuals with hyperhidrosis. It seems a bit scary to remove your underarm sweat glands and I wonder if there are any long-term risks associated with this procedure. If there aren't, this could be useful!

This is incredible. I have some concerns about the abnormality of such a creation...I wonder how consuming this milk over an extended period of time might affect us internally!

New help for heart attack and stroke victims.

This new drug helps reduce some incidences of preterm births.

The Bolivian parliament recently passed a law granting equal rights to nature as to humans. The law is obviously going to be vague, but I'm sure it will flesh out through the court system. Given what we've been hearing from scientists and environmentalists about the future of our planet's well-being, perhaps a measure like this that would help to prioritize environmental considerations in the face of infrastructure and other development.

An explanation as to why Canadian consumers pay an average of 20% more for many goods than our US counterparts.

I'm no fan of baseball, but I do like Alec Baldwin and John Krasinski. These are such a cute videos!!

Here's a sweet Hindi song I have been listening to,

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