Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Multiculturalism and the Canadian Federal Election 2011

I wasn't planning on weighing in on the upcoming federal election, but I came across this op-ed in the Toronto Star that discussed a topic I have both studied and been very much interested in for many years now: multiculturalism, and thought to share it.

The piece discusses some of our political party leaders and their responses to a question during the live debates recently. The question concerned multiculturalism, reasonable accommodation and diversity in Canada.

The biggest surprise comes when you read what Harper's response was to the question and some of his comments later directed at the anti-inclusive Bloc party leader Duceppe.

I have never been a fan of Stephen Harper, his politics nor his vision for Canada. And I find his tight control over his caucus, his (and his party's) hypocrisy and his concerted effort to reduce transparency through limiting his availability to the media, very offensive. Not to mention his unprincipled stance towards foreign policy and what I view as his misuse of power and disregard for some of the most basic principles underlying parliamentary democracy.

But, even I can see that his response to the question, if we are to look at his words alone, shows an elevated understanding and appreciation for what we have here in Canada. During election time, I think most of us are conditioned to disregard most of the promises that our political leaders make to gain our support. But even so, I thought it was worth posting here for you to determine its value.

On the topic of multiculturalism and minorities in Canada, I read an article which contained a simple yet relevant quote to this discussion. It comes from Jack Jedweb, of the Association of Canadian Studies. He said that "We’re a diverse society, and have been for hundreds of years, but we’re not used to this type of religious diversity. We’re going to have these debates for a while." He was speaking in reference to a possible niqab ban here in Canada. I think for those of us on the side of individual rights and religious freedom, sometimes the hostility and opinions expressed about issues relating to diversity and difference can be disheartening. This quote is a good reminder that change does not occur overnight and that with time, we can learn to live with each other peaceably and respectfully!

I also came across this youtube video and I thought it was pretty cute. I've met Omar before and he seems like an honest and genuine man. For those in his riding, I think he's someone that can deliver on his promises and represent you well despite his partisan association. Take a look!

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