Shame on you, Quebec. You call this equality? Such bloody hypocrites! The members of the World Sikh Organization must have felt very disrespected and 'othered' when they were prohibited from entering the Quebec legislature. The acceptance of racist practices like these in social institutions, normalize a culture of bigotry, which I'm sad to say, has become deeply permeated in French-Canadian society. While I am not the biggest fan of Ignatieff, I do applaud his voice in this matter. Indeed, the kirpan is, “not a weapon. It’s a religious symbol.”
I can't comprehend what kind of insane justification one would come up with for harming another human being. Reading about this made my skin tingle, in a good way! MashAllah, this group of people have set a wonderful example of how we should be treating our brothers and sisters in humanity.
Very commendable work giving these women a platform for their voices to be heard. It is absolutely disgusting how some women are treated in areas deeply entrenched in patriarchy. The inclusion of religious, legal and other specialists should be helpful in dispelling fake religious or legal justifications for these reprehensible violations of basic human rights.
On the problematic track record of religious freedom in Muslim-majority nations, with some hope for the future. It's a great sign that most citizens, as rational human beings do not support harsh restrictions or the persecution. These countries should be setting an example of peaceful and harmonious societies, not being pinpointed for representing the opposite.
You know, I've always wondered if robbers had ever donned a niqab to commit crimes to conceal their identity. To my knowledge, it hasn't much occurred in Canada. However, I came across an article recently that discussed 4 recent robberies where robbers actually wore niqab disguises! Insane!
This seems backwards to me. It seems unfair that the same standard is not being applied for law enforcement as it would for regular citizens. The ACLU has brought forward a case questioning the constitutionality of this law to the courts. Hopefully, they will have some success in their efforts.
I've been keeping abreast of the developments in Tunisia, and I have to say it is quite disheartening reading about the authoritarianism of Ben Ali. As with all hardships, it will take time to for order to be restored and the healing to begin. John F Kennedy once commented, that "Those who make peaceful evolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable." Vive la Tunisie!
Picture from the upcoming movie, X-Men: First Class. I'm really looking forward to seeing Michael Fassbender perform as Magneto! Hopefully this movie won't be as bad as some of the other X-Men movies :-P
Twenty-five percent of Montreal's population is estimated to be on anti-depressants? What could be causing such distress/poor mental health at such proportions?
This is something else! A University of Southern California study shows that there is a genetic dimension to friend selection! Whereas, it was previously thought that this biological dimension existed only for reproductive and kinship relations. Pretty neat, eh!
"And when I am ill, it is He Who cures me"(26: 80, Qur'an)
Interested in having glowing skin? Then you better start eating those fruits and veggies!
Technological innovation that can help save the planet? I wonder if glass roads would be able to hold up against the weight and traffic of cars. Using parking lots, playgrounds and driveways to test this out sounds like a smart idea. It will be interesting to see what this will end up looking like.
Neat video, eh! It's like a video game!
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