I wish to take a moment to discuss a very special occasion: the beginning of the month of Ramadan.
Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar and lasts about 29-30 days. During this month, practicing Muslims around the world abstain from eating and drinking (and a few other things) between dawn and dusk, while taking extra precaution to avoid negative and haraam (forbidden) language, thoughts, actions and behaviours.
As one of the five compulsory pillars of Islam, Muslims are instructed to fast in the second chapter of the Qur'an.
"O you who believe, fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may (learn) self-restraint (become righteous)..." Qur'an 2:183
Fasting Muslims also try and read the Qur'an with greater frequency, and enjoin in the remembrance of God, through compulsory and supplementary prayer, through increasing their knowledge of Islam and making supplication, etc. At its core, Ramadan is a time for reflection, reformation and worship, when individuals try to prioritize the nourishment of their souls, and de-prioritize the fulfillment of their physical and material desires and needs, achieving true peace and freedom.
Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar and lasts about 29-30 days. During this month, practicing Muslims around the world abstain from eating and drinking (and a few other things) between dawn and dusk, while taking extra precaution to avoid negative and haraam (forbidden) language, thoughts, actions and behaviours.
As one of the five compulsory pillars of Islam, Muslims are instructed to fast in the second chapter of the Qur'an.
"O you who believe, fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may (learn) self-restraint (become righteous)..." Qur'an 2:183
Fasting Muslims also try and read the Qur'an with greater frequency, and enjoin in the remembrance of God, through compulsory and supplementary prayer, through increasing their knowledge of Islam and making supplication, etc. At its core, Ramadan is a time for reflection, reformation and worship, when individuals try to prioritize the nourishment of their souls, and de-prioritize the fulfillment of their physical and material desires and needs, achieving true peace and freedom.